Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights
by : Emily Bronte
English Version

This review is from: Wuthering Heights (Barnes & Noble Classics) (Paperback)
This classic of English literature has certainly stood the test of time. From the commencement of the novel with moody images to its likewise saturnine conclusion, Bronte's work with tone and characterization sets the bar high for authors of all kinds. The raging zealousness of love that so possess Heathcliff and Catherine melts off the pages in molten waves - truly, has a romance so deluded and inherently doomed ever been described so well? The passions of Romeo and Juliet seem lame in comparison. But never have protagonists been so unlikable. It is hard to sympathize with either one of them, which is the major disappointment of the novel. It is with relief, then, that the romance between young Catherine and Hareton is established. Innocent and true without the sadness that is a trademark of Heathcliff's obsession, the reader begins to glimpse the true meaning of love. The book is intensely readable and page-turning, accessible and unique. The bulk of Wuthering Heights is a psychological exploration of what the past does to a person - it does not so much examine a passionate affair than it does the consequences of actions undertaken by the abused and misguided. Surely Bronte's masterpiece of the human soul will linger as long as Heathcliff's intensity for his lost idol.



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